Monday, April 28, 2008

Single Parents - Child Care

Parenting is demanding enough, but parenting all by yourself without the help of a spouse is far more difficult. Single parents technically have double the responsibility any usual parent does. They cannot hand of half of their duties to someone else and hope to relax for a while. Caring for a baby is backbreaking work, thus all single parents look for possible help. Thankfully, a large umber of childcare facilities has become available for single parents today. But, on the flipside, choosing the right childcare facility out of the hordes available is a job in itself.

If you are looking for some sort of childcare facility you will first have to do decide which option will work best for you. You can choose from one-to-one caregivers to childcare centers and a thousand other options.

A number of single parents opt for nannies or au pairs who provide childcare at home. This is often a good arrangement since it does not include the entire picking up and dropping off fiasco. It also ensures that your schedule, no matter how erratic it is, does not come in the way of your child’s well being. Single parents often find the strict timings at most day care centers very inconvenient. It becomes difficult them to manage dropping off or picking up their baby’s at a specific time. A childcare provider who comes home therefore is a far better option for them. Also, the fact that your child will be within the comfort of your own home and not in some godforsaken day care center is also a strangely comforting thought.

However, don’t expect a childcare provider to solve all your problems cause they have issues of their own. The first problem with a childcare provider is the amount of trust they need from your side. Its not easy or advisable for any parent to entrust their child with an individual they have never seen before. Also, it is not particularly cheap. So in case you are considering finding a caregiver for your child try and look for someone you know. In case that’s not possible at least try and get to know your nanny a little better before employing him/her. See how he/she deals with the child. Ask for recommendations and speak to former employers. Also, do remember to find out where he/she lives. If everything works out and the financial end is taken care of a childcare provider might solve all your baby-related problems.

If however you are unable to find someone who suits your bill opt for a day care center. Here your child will stay under the close supervision of a number of trained caregivers. More than one caregiver means more support, it also means greater reliance. Even if one of the caregivers are sick you know that your baby won’t go uncared for due to the presence of the other caregivers. The day care center is also a place where the child learns to socialize, more number of people and kids his/her own age will allow your baby to open up to more easily. But despite all its conveniences a day care center is not a preferable option for most parents. This is because kids here hardly get any individual attention. There is also an increased probability of sickness among the children in these centers.

A Valid Reason Not To Divorce

So far as the institution of family is concerned, our society is predominantly oriented towards two-parent families. For upbringing and fostering children, the presence of both the parents is considered to be essential and fundamental. Any other scenario deviating from this norm is believed to be inherently faulty and damaging. To some extent, it is true also. Till now, human families have been built on the rock of two-parent orientation. This belief has certainly influenced the micro-intricacies involved in the process of growing up and becoming an adult. However, by stressing this norm beyond a limit, we tend to ignore the necessity and inevitability of social evolution and individual independence. For relevant reasons, people may resort to alternate trends which may not be popular or have a mass support, but are acceptable and sometimes unavoidable. Single parenting is one such trend.

Several circumstances may lead to the formation of a single-parent household. However, divorce happens to be the number one reason. Being a single parent is a big challenge in itself and, sometimes, this task may seem to be so undaunting that an individual may continue to stick to a festering relationship, rather than moving ahead with his life and accepting the challenge. There are several reasons why people are repelled by the idea of single parenting.

One possible reason could be concern for the children. People are concerned about their children’s growth and future and want them to have the advantage of a regular family. For this, they are willing to bear with their personal unhappiness and turmoil. Though this decision, in reality, may not be in the best interest of the children, yet, the myths prevalent about single parenting may motivate the people to suffer for the sake of their children.

The other side of the coin is that the problems faced by single-parent households are the same as that of regular ones. Yet, the reason they seem to be so difficult is because the person supposed to face them tends to be alone. Parenting is a full-time job and may involve certain situations which could be tackled easily as a couple than as a single parent. For example, during certain phases of their growth, children tend to exhibit a critical and hostile attitude towards parents. It becomes easier to accept this situation as a couple. However, in the case of a single parent, it may lead to feelings of hurt and frustration. This sense of loneliness and isolation may repel the individuals from resorting to a divorce.

Other reason why the prospects of single parenting may prove to be an impediment on the way to a divorce is financial insecurity. If one of the spouses happens to be unemployed or not earning enough to support the children, the prospects of raising a family alone may seem to be impossible. This could induce the aggrieved individual to avoid a divorce, so that the children may continue to enjoy the benefits of financial stability. Research has shown that one of the biggest reasons that can jeopardise an attempt at single parenting is financial incapacity. Lack of resources may vitiate the family life and could have damaging effects on the personalities of the children. The financial self-reliance and self-sufficiency of a single parent is vital for him or her to make his family life a success story.

People tend to be concerned with their progeny’s psychological and emotional health. They want them to grow up into healthy adults and expect them to have stable relationships with their future life partners. A divorce may deprive them of adult role models and may lead them to have unhappy and unsuccessful relationships with their spouses. This could turn out to be one of the reasons for avoiding a divorce.

Thus, we have seen that for a number of reasons, people may drop the idea of a divorce and may continue with their non-functional relationships, rather than opting for single parenting. However, many of these reasons are based on myths and a logical analysis of them may dispel these fears. It is good to have adult role models, provided these men and women are emotionally healthy individuals. Children may suffer greater harm by living in a situation of perpetual conflict and discord, rather than having an effective and mature single parent. A single parent with relevant family skills and financial ability can raise well-rounded children. Alternate role models may emerge amongst friends and relatives. Initially after a divorce, things may prove to be tough for the children and the parent responsible for them. However, with patience and tact, this decision may prove to be the beginning of a new life.